Greetings from the Board Chair
As we reflect on this year, we are elated with the successes we have had. We are also aware that there are things we still need to improve. We are aware of the privileges that have been afforded all of us through Head Start. We know through this comprehensive program the needs of the child and family must always be addressed. We acknowledged years ago that our clients are not only the whole child but the entire family.
Using data, we have been able to identify several areas that we must improve. We will continue to work to improve school readiness of all our children. We know that if school readiness occurs, it will be because of the parents, the children, and the Institute of Community Services (ICS), Inc.'s employees working together to fulfill their responsibility. We applaud those parents, children, and employees who do all they can to help make ICS a program of quality.
The employees are commended for what they do daily with very little or no fanfare. Your dedication does not go unnoticed. Again, as always, a special thanks goes to the parents who entrust their children to our care daily. Together we can do even more. Let us continue to enrich and strengthen children, families and communities for future success.
Howard Hollins, Chairman Board of Director

ICS Board of Directors
Howard Hollins, Chair
Juanita Jones, Vice Chair
Gladys Tubby
Gwendolyn B. Rucker
Sheldon Herrington
Linda Mahoney
Derrick Dace
James Griffin
Jimmy Mathews
Johnnie L. Reed
Eva Lay
Kay Kopf
LaSonya Wilson
Jania Sherrod
Ebony Sanders
Mildred Brassell
Shawanda Bridges