Welcome to Child Development

ICS's Child Development activities and accomplishments support early learning, as we prepare children for Kindergarten and beyond. One of the highest priorities in our program is to provide the skills necessary for school after leaving our program. To accomplish our goal we provide appropriate materials nurturing environment, training on effective teaching practices, researched based assessments and curricula, individualized instruction and supportive teacher child interactions. We have established school readiness goals that are age and developmentally appropriate.
The OWL and Learn Every Day curriculum used in our program are aligned with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and the Mississippi Early Learning Standards. Our school readiness goals address five central domains for preschoolers:
• Approaches to Learning
• Social and Emotional Development
• Language and Literacy
• Perceptual, Motor and Physical Development
• Cognition
Our trained teachers and specialists are dedicated to providing a high- quality program for our children, families and communities.
School Readiness is foundational across early childhood systems and programs. It means children are ready for school, families are ready to support their children’s learning and schools are ready for children. We understand that preparing children for learning is a collaborative effort, therefore we are partners with local school districts and the early learning community. Within our partnerships, we align our efforts, systems and resources to maximize the benefits for children and families. We recognize that our greatest asset is embracing the family as the cornerstone of our success. Our staff builds positive, trusting relationships to facilitate their engagement in their children’s development and learning. We respect the parent role as their child’s primary nurturer, teacher and advocate. Our program models and promotes learning and wellness for our children, families, staff and communities. Please accept this invitation to become part of the great work that we are doing by becoming a volunteer, partner or a Head Start Friend.
Linda Harris
Director of Child Development